Friday, March 22, 2013

Assignment 5 Likeness

Ansel Adams uses very dramatic lines that lead the eye to look in certain directions, dramatic lighting and high contrast in his landscape photos that often include both the ground and sky and focus on nature and the landscape untouched by human movement

Assignment on Scanograms

Monday, February 4, 2013

Assignment 2: White Balance

Outdoor White Balance Test
Indoor White Balance Test

Assignment 2

Aperture/Depth of Field
exposure: 1/3200sec at f/4 focal length: 22mm
exposure: 1/100sec at f/22 focal length: 26mm

Shutter Speed/Motion
 exposure: 1/15sec at f/29 focal length:29mm
 exposure: 1/640sec at f/7.1 focal length: 35mm